The seminar series Science and Empire, 2017-2018, will conclude with a full day of presentations and debates, on 25 June, between 9h45 and 17h30, at ICS, Room 3.
To participate, register by email cienciaimperio@gmail.com
9h45. Opening
10h00. Nature and Culture
Ricardo Roque (ICS-UL), Languages that bleed: races and language groups in Anthropological Missions
Ana Rita Amaral (ICS-UL), Missions, anthropology and late colonialism from the case of the Spiritans in Angola
Inês Ponte (ICS-UL), Scientific entanglements in an Africanist photo-etno-graphy over the Portuguese Estado Novo
11h15. Pause
11h30. Landscapes
Cláudia Castelo (CIUHCT-UL), “But the bell keeps ringing”: the function of field geography in late colonialism
Maria do Mar Gago (ICS-UL), Science, coffee and decolonization: the case of the coffee tree rust research centre
Bárbara Direito (CIUHCT-NOVA FCT), Conflicts surrounding nature conservation in the late-colonial period: the case of the Quiçama park, Angola
12h45. Lunch
14h30. Populations
José Neves (IHC/NOVA FCSH), Amilcar Cabral and the agricultural census of Guinea: history, memory and policy of a survey.
Vera Marques Alves (CRIA and CIUHCT-UL), “The Portuguese is a terrible colonizer”: the confessions of António Rita Ferreira and the paradoxical place of anthropology in the colonial system in Mozambique (1954-1974)
Nuno Domingos (ICS-UL), Os Africanos de Lourenço Marques de António Rita-Ferreira and the modernisation policies in Mozambique
15h45. Pause
16h00. Networks
Frederico Ágoas (CICS.NOVA FCSH), Science, diplomacy and late colonialism: the Portuguese participation in INCIDI and CCTA
Rui Pereira (IHC/NOVA FCSH), International cooperation as a strategy for the scientificisation of colonial domination
5:30 p.m. Closure
Frederico Ágoas (CICS.NOVA FCSH)
Cláudia Castelo (CIUHCT-UL)
Ricardo Roque (ICS-UL)