the 8th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), takes places from the 11 to 14 June at the University of Edinburgh, UK. The conference main theme is Connections and Disruptions.
Inês Ponte presentes at the panel Anth40, “Photo Archives: silence and blindness”, coordinated by Jürg Schneider (University of Basel) and by David Zeitlyn (University of Oxford).
The panel’s abstract is the following: “The visual parallel to archival silence is blindness. Can the empty spaces in photo archives become an opportunity for alternative viewings, drawing productive power from the contents, no matter how perceived?”
With a total of 4 presentations, Inês Ponte’s paper is entitled “Reconstructing ethnographic missions from field photographs and archival practices”
For the presentation’s abstract see here.
The pannel takes place on the 13 june, at 8:45-10:15, at Appleton Tower, Seminar Room 2.05.
ECAS is the biggest encounter in African Studies, organized by AEGIS, Research Network of African Studies Centres in Europe. The conference brings together 1,400 researchers, policymakers, and leaders from across the world. There is a complementary series of artistic and cultural events, as well as various networking and capacity building events, including some particularly aimed at the next generation of African researchers. More info on ECAS to be found here