Anthropology and Film Programme
8th CONGRESS OF THE PORTUGUESE ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 2022: “The New 20s: Challenges, Uncertainties and Resistances”
Call for Films
How do anthropology and cinema intersect to reflect on the new twenties? The Anthropology and Film Programme seeks to explore the challenges, uncertainties, and resistances of the current times, assuming itself as a place to get to know and debate films that inspire, provoke, and unsettle us. This is the invitation we extend to you.
Important dates
06.09.2021 to 28.02.2022: film submission period
31.05.2022: announcement of the selected films on the congress website
06.06.2022 to 06.07.2022: period for submission of screening files and support materials
Film eligibility criteria
Production date after January 1, 2019;
Subtitles in at least one of the following languages: Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN).
Completion of online form ( with information about the submitted film, including (online) link to a preview version of the film (e.g. Vimeo or Youtube). The link to preview the film may be in unlisted mode, or with password-protected access (providing it in the film submission form), according to the author’s preference.
The selection results will be available on the website of the congress after 31.05.2022.
Please read carefully the regulations about the requirements of the film and in case of selection into the programme (
We encourage the presence of the authors of the films in the programme, particularly in the session where their work will be screened, in order to stimulate the debate on film production and its intersections with anthropology.
Amaya Sumpsi, CRIA / NOVA FCSH
Gonçalo Mota, CETRAD
Inês Ponte, ICS-ULisboa (coord.)
Lee Douglas, IHC-NOVA
Rodrigo Lacerda, CRIA / NOVA FCSH (coord.)
Catarina Barata (ICS-ULisboa)
Filipe Ferraz (ISCTE-CRIA)