Online Resources

This page gathers digital resources of three kinds, related to photography and cinema in Africa. Clic on the letter to scroll down.

A) External online resources useful for our research on ethnographic photography in Angola. It includes links to digital archives and repositories of digital collections on photography in the Portuguese colonial case, particularly about Angola, and inspiring photography projects related to africanist photographyAs some of the resources are only in Portuguese, we signal it accordingly (PT).

B) Links to written or directed works on history, photography and anthropology resulting from Mobilising Archives.

C) External online resources useful for our research on cinema in Angola, (in development) 

If you have an online resource you would like to share with us, use the form

External Resources on Photography in Africa

Africa in the Photobook
Netherlands-based photography project
logo_casa comum
Portugal-based digital collection
Africa through a lens
UK-based digital archive
Memorias de africa
Portugal-based digital archive
Diamang Digital
Portugal-based digital archive

Digital Archives

Links related to the particular case studies addressed in this research are gathered in “sources”.

Resources deriving from Mobilising Archives

Published and Directed

Ponte, I. (2023). An Africanist Photo-ethno-graphy in the Portuguese New State (1928–1974). In: Vicente, F.L., Ramos, A.D. (eds) Photography in Portuguese Colonial Africa, 1860–1975. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Ponte, I. 2022, “Museu Nacional de Etnologia: um tardio museu de antropologia, Lugar de Memória in Re-Mapping Memories: Lisboa-HamburgGoethe Institut. 14 Março. (PT/GERMAN)

Ponte, I. 2021, “An Angolan vernacular-language fiction film as para-ethnographic film: nationalism and the evolving politics of film circulation and reception”, History and Anthropology, 32: 5, 596-616. doi: 10.1080/02757206.2021.18810794 February [link to accepted manuscript].

Ponte, I. 2020, “An Openness to Experiment: Ruy Duarte de Carvalho’s Anthropological Field Photography in Rural Southern Angola and its Archival Reusages”Kronos: Southern African Histories, 46(1). DOI: 10.17159/2309-9585/2020/v46a11 

Ponte I. 2020,  Archives, Films and Memories: ingredients to remember and to forget the past, BUALA.

Ponte I. 2019, 50 anos no Sul de Angola, 8 min. (PT only)

Ponte I. 2019, Conhecer e Animar o Arquivo de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, in Lança, Marta (ed.), Diálogos com Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, Lisboa: BUALA & CEC-FL-ULisboa. (PT only)

Essay by I. Ponte; photo by Bruno Castro

External Resources on Cinema in Africa

  • Website housing photoalbums related to Africa, and African countries.