Estão disponíveis detalhes do programa de filmes na Conferência da EASA 2020. As sessões terão lugar virtualmente, entre 21 e 24 Julho.
Prevendo efeitos da pandemia da COVID a longo prazo, em Abril, a EASA tomou a decisão de mudar a Conferência planeada para ter lugar em Lisboa para o modo virtual. Assim, o programa de filmes da EASA terá lugar virtualmente. O aspecto positivo deste modo é que todos os realizadores de filmes estarão presentes para o perguntas e respostas após a exibição dos seus filmes. As sessões terão lugar entre 21 e 24 de Julho.
Statement of the film convenors
The call for films received 225 films – totalling 136 hours – from literally every part of the world, with different formats, genres, productions and intentions. We selected 22 films (fitting into the 16.5hrs available) which gives a comprehensive representation in terms of geographies, topics and ethnographic approaches, but also modes of production, cinematographies, formats, and technologies. Film in anthropology is now a well-established practice inside and outside academia; nevertheless, there is still a long and ongoing process of recognition that must involve all of us who ‘care’ about (audio)visual forms of representation. This film programme intends to be more than a ‘simple’ screening moment. It also wishes to offer a time-space to discuss the (audio)visual in anthropology, the place and role of film in this discipline, thus encouraging a wide-open debate that concerns epistemology and anthropology’s convergence with art. The presence of the filmmakers in the sessions is crucial to achieve this goal, as it will allow fruitful discussions on the use of film and filmmaking practices in the context of an academic event. We count on everyone – filmmakers, conference delegates, students and the general public – to make this a memorable moment.
Join us on this celebration, through film and anthropology, of the “new anthropological horizons” that lie there, just a screen away, beyond the limits of our everyday lives.”
Amaya Sumpsi, antropóloga, CRIA/FCSH-NOVA
Catarina Alves Costa, antropóloga, FCSH-NOVA / CRIA
Humberto Martins, antropólogo, UTAD / CRIA-UM
Inês Ponte, antropóloga, ICS-ULisboa
Rodrigo Lacerda, antropólogo, CRIA NOVA FCSH/UC
Sofia Sampaio, investigadora na área do cinema e antropologia, CRIA-IUL
Detalhes do programa encontram-se aqui.